Is There A List Of Pre-installed Command-line Tools For MacOS? [duplicate]

11 min read Oct 03, 2024
Is There A List Of Pre-installed Command-line Tools For MacOS? [duplicate]

Understanding the Power of macOS Command-Line Tools

macOS, with its intuitive graphical interface, is often perceived as a user-friendly operating system. However, beneath the surface lies a robust command-line environment that empowers users to manage their systems with unparalleled precision. While macOS comes equipped with a diverse collection of pre-installed command-line tools, many users remain unaware of their existence and potential. This article will delve into the vast world of macOS command-line tools, exploring the most commonly used ones and their applications.

The Command-Line Environment: Your Gateway to macOS

The command-line interface (CLI) is a text-based environment where users interact with the system using commands. For those accustomed to the mouse-driven graphical user interface (GUI), the command-line might seem daunting. However, mastering the CLI offers a wealth of advantages:

  • Speed and Efficiency: Command-line tools often execute tasks much faster than their GUI counterparts, especially for repetitive or complex operations.
  • Automation: Scripting allows you to automate tedious tasks, saving time and effort.
  • Remote Access: The CLI provides a seamless way to manage your Mac remotely, even from another device.
  • Advanced Functionality: Many tasks, such as system administration and debugging, are best handled through the command line.

Unveiling the Pre-Installed Tools: A Treasure Trove of Functionality

macOS comes pre-installed with a wide range of command-line tools, each serving a specific purpose. Here are some of the most frequently used tools and their applications:

1. ls - List Directory Contents

The ls command (short for "list") is a fundamental tool for navigating your file system. It allows you to view the contents of a directory, including files and subdirectories.


ls /Users/your_username/Documents

This command lists all the files and folders within your Documents directory.

2. cd - Change Directory

The cd (short for "change directory") command enables you to move between different directories within your file system.


cd /Users/your_username/Downloads

This command will change your current working directory to the Downloads folder.

3. mkdir - Create Directory

mkdir (short for "make directory") lets you create new directories.


mkdir /Users/your_username/Documents/NewFolder

This command creates a new directory named "NewFolder" within your Documents folder.

4. rm - Remove Files or Directories

The rm command (short for "remove") deletes files and directories. Use caution with this command, as it does not offer a confirmation prompt.


rm /Users/your_username/Downloads/temp_file.txt

This command deletes the file "temp_file.txt" from your Downloads folder.

5. mv - Move or Rename Files and Directories

The mv command (short for "move") allows you to move or rename files and directories.


mv /Users/your_username/Downloads/old_name.txt /Users/your_username/Documents/new_name.txt

This command renames the file "old_name.txt" to "new_name.txt" and moves it from Downloads to Documents.

6. cp - Copy Files and Directories

The cp command (short for "copy") copies files and directories to a new location.


cp /Users/your_username/Downloads/important_file.pdf /Users/your_username/Desktop

This command copies the file "important_file.pdf" to your Desktop.

7. open - Open Files and Applications

The open command opens files and applications.


open /Applications/

This command will launch the Safari web browser.

8. man - Access Manual Pages

The man command (short for "manual") provides access to documentation pages for various commands.


man ls

This command displays the manual page for the ls command.

9. which - Locate Command Executables

The which command helps you determine the location of a command executable on your system.


which ls

This command will display the path to the ls command executable.

10. date - Display Current Date and Time

The date command displays the current date and time.



This command outputs the current date and time.

11. cal - Display Calendar

The cal command displays a calendar for a specified month or year.


cal 2023

This command displays a calendar for the year 2023.

12. df - Display Disk Usage

The df command (short for "disk free") shows information about disk space usage.


df -h

This command displays disk usage in a human-readable format.

13. du - Display Disk Usage of Files and Directories

The du command (short for "disk usage") reports the size of files and directories.


du -sh /Users/your_username/Documents

This command displays the total size of all files and directories within your Documents folder.

14. top - Monitor System Activity

The top command provides a real-time view of system processes and resource usage.



This command launches a screen displaying active processes, CPU usage, memory usage, and other system statistics.

15. ps - List Running Processes

The ps command (short for "process status") lists running processes.


ps aux

This command lists all running processes with detailed information.

16. kill - Terminate Processes

The kill command terminates processes by sending them a signal. Use caution with this command as it can disrupt applications.


kill -9 

Replace <process_id> with the process ID you want to terminate.

17. ping - Test Network Connectivity

The ping command tests network connectivity to a specific host.



This command sends ICMP echo requests to and displays the response times.

18. whoami - Display Current User

The whoami command displays the name of the current user.



This command outputs your username.

19. uname - Display System Information

The uname command displays system information, such as the operating system name, kernel version, and hardware architecture.


uname -a

This command displays detailed system information.

20. curl - Transfer Data Using URLs

The curl command is a versatile tool for transferring data using URLs. It can be used for downloading files, uploading data, making HTTP requests, and much more.


curl -o

This command downloads a file named "" from "" and saves it to your current directory.

The Command-Line: A Powerful Tool for All

This list merely scratches the surface of the vast array of pre-installed command-line tools available on macOS. As you explore the capabilities of these tools, you'll discover a powerful and efficient way to manage your system and perform a wide range of tasks. Whether you're a casual user or a seasoned system administrator, the command-line environment can unlock new possibilities and streamline your workflow.